13 March 2017

On wordlessness

"A person removed from his own room, almost without preparation and transition, and set upon the height of a great mountain range, would feel something of the sort: an unparalleled insecurity, an abandonment to something inexpressible would almost annihilate him."
- Rainer Maria Rilke, The Dragon Princess

As I wrestle now with words, straining inwards to reach adequate expression, in my native tongue, for these foreign symbols - I think now of all the thoughts in the world left latent, laid in crevices beneath the surface (as unformed as man first lay in the ground), of all the beautiful and brilliant sentiments that have only ever had substance in the mind of one; substance charged with a vigour that was never reciprocated by any other - no language, no form of agency, no outlet.

And thus contained, unexpressed, suppressed by the weight of their own immensity, made void, lost forever to a collective invisible consciousness - they created something else entirely; that which haunts - and yet, escapes - us: the inexplicable.

It collapses like a candle, folding into itself in the same way 
a starving man would eat himself alive 
and nothing would be accomplished.

- "Fragile", 14 June 2012

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